Hello everyone. Today we visited Tiananmen Square, which was very cool to see. Tons of people there, and a bit hot. You can see by Liam's expressions in the pictures that he wasnt' very impressed. Everyone wants to take his picture and touch him and he is getting tired of being a rock star. We went to Pizza Hut tonight and a girl about 18 years old kept kissing him and hugging him. I saw the neatest invention here. All little kids wear split pants, which are pants or shorts, split at the crotch so when they have to go, they just squat and go, wherever they are. No washrooms, no diapers..I'm trying to find a couple pair in my size so if I do...don't walk behind me anywhere. Ella was a little out of sorts the last couple days, but she was much better today. Hopefully getting used to us "big noses", as we are called here. I've recovered from climbing the Great Wall yesterday. I can't believe the thing has been there for 2500 years and they still haven't put in an elevator. I think I've figured out the photo thing, so I will post more tomorrow.

Hi Margo, Bill, Liam and Ella,
Awesome pictures. Ella is beautiful and I love the pic of Liam and Ella together. Sounds like you are having quite the adventure. I am sure the split pants would go over well when your team in on intake! I haven't checked the blog in which I told you about Kiran but he was 9lbs 11oz and not 22lbs. If he in fact was 22lbs I am sure you would have seen us on CNN! What an amazing trip you guys are experiencing! Your blogs are great, keep them coming!
Take Care!
Ali, Michele, Kaden, Aidan and Kiran
Ella is beautiful. Love the shots of Liam at the Great Wall - Ian loved all thr nooks and crannies too. Good for you for making it so far up - NOT an easy task!
Are you getting homesick yet?
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