Monday, August 07, 2006

Monday afternoon in Beijing

We are enjoying a relaxing afternoon in the hotel. For those of you who know me well I am going out of my mind sitting still. I want to be out but Bill and Ella are napping and Liam is playing his gameboy so I am spending $$ at the business ctr. Bill has tried a number of times to post pictures but has been unsuccessful so I apoligize for the lack of pictures. He is going to try again tonight.
The group is at the acrobatic show now but we passed. We were at Tineaman Square today (sorry, I did a bad job of spelling it) and then the pearl market for a 1 hour shopping trip. For those of you who have been there you know 1 hour is not near enough. I cannot remember if it was Trish or Carrie who wanted a red book but I bought an extra one for either of you. The Square was too much for Liam, the heat and people and mobs of people wanting to take his picture. Oh well, he has only had a few melt downs so far, I was expecting a lot more. I cannot believe we have been here over a week, time flies.
I hope Bill will be able to post pictures tonight. And I must add, I was the only female in our group carrying the baby who made it to the top of the right hand side of the great wall. You can ask for a autograph later.


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