Hi. It's been a while since our last update. Ella is doing wonderful. Laughing and giggiling, sleeping through the night (at least to 5 am). She is still mommy's girl, but was getting pretty comfortable with Nana and Papa while they were here. She loves Cheerios, Pizza, toast, cheeze and would probably eat more as long as its not on a spoon. For some reason, she won't eat anything off a spoon. But, then again, Liam is 5 1/2 years old and still eats with his hands. She doesn't crawl, but can pull herself forward like a commando sneaking under a barbwire fence, which came in handy for daddy a few times (dont ask). Liam played his last soccer game Monday, and his last T-ball game is Wednesday. Hockey will start soon, as well as swimming so he will be a busy boy still. We brought Ella to the pool the other day, and

she loved it, which was a surprise to us since she screams bloody murder when she gets within 2 feet of the bathtub. We are going to start bringing soap to the pool and just bathe her there next time. She also had her first experience with Chucky Cheese at Aiden and Kaden Jumas birthday party the other day. That's why Liam is wearing party hats on his ears...we don't dress him like that normally. We are all doing great, and we hope to see all of you soon.

Congrats on being home and settling in .. Ella is just beautiful and it looks like Liam is also a natural at big brother entertainment :)
Thanks for the update !
Amy, Dave and Aerik
and Ava too who we should be getting referral for any day now !!
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