3 months

We cannot believe it has been 3 months since Ella joined our family. She is doing well. She eats almost anything and is feeding herself finger foods. She crawls everywhere and will walk if she is holding our fingers. Her attempts to walk independently have been about three steps of a slow motion face plant. She says about 7 words and has a couple more words forming ("ca" for our cat). She gets her point across with things she likes by a very loud high pitched squeal. She is still very clingy when we are outside of the home but she is getting more comfortable in the house and will play on her own for periods of time. Sleeping is another issue (you cannot have everything). We have been very fortunate to see some of our travel group on a regular basis and will see more at a mini reunion the end of November. Liam is in SK, taking swimming lessons, and playing hockey. He is frustrated that Ella is taking so long to grow up, he wants someone to play soccer and hockey with. I have posted some pictures that have been taken within the last couple days.