Saturday, August 02, 2008
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Forever Family Day Anniversary

It was two years ago today that we met Ella. In China we bought a number of things for Ella to give her on every anniversary of our Forever Family Day or Gotcha Day. This year we gave her the remaining Olympic Mascots. Ella already had Yingying (her Chinese name). Then we met Emilya and her parents for dinner at , what else, but a Chinese Restaurant.
Getting two kids to smile at the same time is not easy.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Ella turns 2 years old

I cannot believe that one year ago we were in the hall of our hotel with 13 other families and staff from our guides' office celebrating Ella's first birthday. I will always remember Ella's first birthday as a great celebration with lifetime friends (and corn on vegatarian pizza).
Here are pictures from her 2nd birthday. A much smaller celebration. The second picture is Ella hosting a tea party with her gifts (Liam so not so excited but is playing along).
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
One Year Ago Today

One year ago we were blessed with Ella, our "gotcha day" or "forever family day". Ella has been such a joy to us and fits our family perfectly. Here is a picture taken today of Ella and her still very proud big brother. My mother overheard a conversation Liam has a couple weeks ago in the playground. A girl told Liam he was lucky to have a little sister. Liam said, "I am very lucky, I waited a long time for her". He is a great big brother.
The picture of the 4 of us was taken July 16.